

Dominican Chimichurri Burger is traditional Dominican street food. The burger patties are made with ground beef and seasoned with Dominican flavors. This flavorful burger is topped with tomatoes, slightly pickled red onions, shredded cabbage, and a big spoonful of mayo-ketchup sauce.

Dominican Chimi Burger with tomato, onion, shredded cabbage and mayo-ketchup sauce.

Why is this burger named like an Argentinian sauce? One of the stories about the name is that in the ’70s an Argentinian immigrant opened a business in the Dominican Republic to sell Choripán, which is a traditional sandwich from Argentina. They use to add the chimichurri sauce to this sandwich and people started calling the sandwich Chimichurri (then, it was shortened to ‘Chimi’), which has evolved to the sandwich that we know today.

