
Mound septic systems use a mound of sand in the area where the water is filtered, ensuring adequate ground density for contaminants to break down. If you have this type of septic system on your property, it’s wise to practice several maintenance techniques to ensure that it continues to function properly. Here are some maintenance tips for this type of system.

How to Care for Mound Septic Systems

1. Be Mindful of Water Usage

septic systemsMound systems exist in places where the terrain makes water filtration challenging. The best way to make sure a system doesn’t get overloaded is to set water usage limits on times for showers and laundry. Try to use machines that require a lot of water during low traffic times. This will ensure you aren’t trying to wash a few loads of laundry while someone else is enjoying a nice long shower, which would put a strain on the system.

2. Only Flush Toilet Paper

Since septic systems contain natural bacteria that break down contents in the tank, flushing items that aren’t biodegradable can throw off the breakdown balance. Only flush toilet paper down the toilet, and avoid flushing wipes, feminine hygiene products, and paper towels, as these items can sit in your tank for years and contribute to waste buildup. Additionally, if your system is clogged, don’t use chemical products, as they can also throw off the bacteria balance. 

3. Schedule Routine Pumping

Even if your system drains as it should, scum and sludge will continue to accumulate over time. When they become excessive, they could create foul odors, leak out of the system, and create serious health hazards. To prevent sewage overflow, schedule a tank pumping every three to five years, depending on how frequently your system is used.



When you need an expert on septic systems, choose A A Septic Tank & Drain Service in Acme, PA. This locally owned and operated company has over 35 years of experience providing septic maintenance, repairs, and pumping services to residents across Westmoreland County. Visit their website to browse their services or call (724) 593-7457.
