
Dry eyes are a common cause of discomfort, affecting approximately 16 million Americans. If you have itchy, irritated eyes that affect your vision or quality of life, you may be experiencing dry eye. The guide below explains what dry eye is as well as how to treat it.

What Is Dry Eye?

Dry eye is a condition that occurs when an individual cannot provide adequate lubrication and nourishment for the eyes. You may not produce enough tears, or they may be poor in quality. This leaves eyes uncomfortable and may even cause a stinging sensation.

Other symptoms include red eyes, sensitivity to light, blurred vision, and eye fatigue. In most cases, dry eyes are chronic and disproportionately affect older adults.

What Causes Dry Eye?

dry eyesTears are made of a mixture of oil, water, and mucus, all of which are required to keep eyes hydrated. If the production of any of these nutrients is blocked, the makeup of your tears becomes imbalanced. The glands that produce the oil, for instance, can become clogged in patients with skin disorders.

Tear production also tends to decrease with age, which is why dry eyes are common among older adults. Lower tear production is also seen in patients with medical conditions, those who have undergone laser eye surgery, and people who take certain medications. Women are at a higher risk than men due to hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, menopause, and oral contraceptives. Environmental factors, such as dry climates, can also decrease tear production. Even not blinking enough affects your tears. For most people, this phenomenon occurs when reading, working on the computer, or driving.

How Can You Prevent Dry Eye?

When dry eyes become a serious obstacle in your life, see an eye doctor right away. These specialists can prescribe treatments to alleviate the discomfort and help properly lubricate the eyes. They may recommend over-the-counter artificial tear solutions for mild cases, or eye drops that increase tear production in more severe cases. There are also safe procedures that can remove gland blockage and restore gland function.

If the culprit is environmental, the eye doctor may give you personal recommendations like purchasing a humidifier, positioning your computer screen below eye level so you won’t open your eyes as wide, or wearing protective eyewear to block wind and dry air.


Need relief for your dry eyes? Come to Lieblong Eye Clinic in Russellville, AR, for a comprehensive evaluation and effective treatments. For over 40 years, this clinic has provided a wide variety of eye care services to improve the health of your eyes and the quality of your vision. Whether you need a standard eye exam or vision correction services, their skilled specialists are fully equipped to help. Learn more about chronic dry eye treatments online. To schedule an appointment in the River Valley, call (479) 968-2020.
