
The goal of vision therapy is to improve the relationship between the eyes and the brain. It’s particularly effective for children due to the neuroplasticity that occurs in their still-developing brains. Where eyeglasses and contact lenses are corrective aids, therapy uses tools to train the vision into self-correction. The first step in determining whether it’s a viable course of treatment is through a comprehensive eye exam. Here’s a closer look at how your child will benefit.

How Vision Therapy Helps Children

1. Improved Vision

This treatment has been effective in treating kids with a number of vision problems, such as amblyopia (lazy eye) and strabismus (cross-eyed) as well as problems with eye focus and movement. Visual-perceptual disorders and alignment issues that cause eye strain and fatigue have also been successfully treated.

2. Better Grades

vision therapyBetter grades are one of the goals parents set for their children, but poor eyesight often makes this difficult. Children who can’t clearly see what their teachers are writing on the blackboard are at a disadvantage.

The child may be too shy to speak up, which can lead to less participation as well as lower grades and test scores. Visual therapy addresses these concerns and seeks to treat them.

3. Higher Self-Esteem

Improved vision and school performance give children more self-confidence. Vision therapy has also helped developmentally impaired children improve their hand-eye coordination. This increases their independence and feelings of self-worth, leading to a happier child.


The professionals at Staarmann Family Vision Center can test children for vision problems and prescribe the right treatment through vision therapy. Located in Fairfield, OH, this team of doctors offers a wide range of eye care solutions for people of all ages, from orthoptic treatments to surgery consultations. They accept most insurance plans, so visit them online today for a full list of services or call (513) 874-1718 to schedule an appointment.
